Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mija flyer for upcoming show in iowa city.


So my man Phil Ross of 5NAKEFORK records has started his own screen printing company...His obsession with Frank Zappa came to a forefront when he asked me to manipulate this logo for the new printing company. it was fun...reminded me of when i took a Earth Crisis T-shirt design and turned it into my bands logo(to make fun of them, of course....except ALL OUT WAR, which is a awesome 7") however Phil is paying homage to Mr.Zappa....



EYES nitetrotter pic by Rose Noble

Rose Noble is a jam session, she's a artist, makes good kids, has a dope husband, and creates noise in a band called GRYPHYNS...she has a site where she presents her art , and is the only other NITETROTTER graphics designer other than me. yep, cool beans! check out her stuff!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hillel Zavala...a sweet gal, and an AMAZING artist!

My friend Hillel does a site, and LOTS of art...she loves to do pieces on the Mars Volta, but has been using her talents on us with less talent than TMV...below is a piece that she collaborated with our Friend Jen Craft(photography), its my band EYES...Hillel also has a site you should check out..

NUDE SUNRISE and EYES tour cd on NITCo.

Nude Sunrise, my boys from Chicago(originally QC-ers), recorded this album for their recent tour they did with Teaadora, and Names the same time EYES(a group im in with my lil bro now) recorded a CdEp for our tour(i should also mention that Narwahlz of sound did the font and satanic logos), the pix are also made up of a pic i took my passed away pups Urn(miss you G.G.)...tour was fun. and now we have Ballistic Missile Booking, backing us up as our agent!! we will be touring in December with his band COLD MOLD (they are amazing)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Okay, so this is a band i used to be in, in the early 2000's with Nolan Girard of the infamous Mondo Drag (if you havent heard them you should check em out!), we were both quite obsessed(and i dont know about him,but i still am) with Born Against, and Vermiform records etc... Nolan and I started organz cause we wanted to hurt shit, and play heavy music. so we did. at the time, Nolan had a broken wrist or something, so he just sang, and i played drums, we decided to keep it guitarless, and added 3 bass players....after a few years of work. we did a few tours, put out a 7",a split 12"(with Odeth my child), and a cd/12" which is this finally released 12" THE CUTS. we were lucky to get Sam McPheeters of Born Against/Mens Recovery Project/Wrangler brutes(all of which you need to listen to) to do the art...and well, after many years, too many drugs, a few sobriety's, a few falling outs, and alot of shit talking...per usual i fucked everything up, and the band disbanded. This record truely holds the essence, or the stench of a era, im VERY not so proud of, and proud of...i still have alot of physical, and mental scars and i know every member of that band does if you want a record hit me up. above is a very shit picture i took of the album.

ps.the music is Dancey/Sludgey/Black Metal-----ISH(and you can find the precise point in time at which i felt the need to start singing Falsetto)

New Nitetrotter pix...cant forget about the homies!

LORD GREEN(which i had an extremely good time doing in color)
and Into it/Over it and Koji collab piece(again gray scale)

Back on Track with a LOAD of 5nakefork art!

So, since ive been back from tour, ive been doing alot of halftone,grayscale,mixedmedia...collaging scenic pictures ive been taking, and just creepy things, friends. and meshing them with my art and pulled idea's from random spots....These are a slough of pix ive done for 5nakefork releases. ill repost when they comeout and look all Phil Rossified(my main man that gets jive on the xerox) its 1:30 a.m. and ive just been itching to put stuff up,if not for my own sanity....but, to show peeps that i havent been as lazy as you think i am. more to come tomorrow too!!

...and now a new blog.yawn.

So, one day i went to post on my prior blog, and it refused to work. after much irritation...i decided to start a new one...heres a link to all my prior work.